Soal Mid Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 semester ganjil

 Berikut ini adalah contoh Soal Mid Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 semester ganjil

A.    Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
This text is for questions 1 and 2   

To: Beatrice

I invite you to the OSIS monthly meeting that will be held:
    Day/date     :    Thursday, September 15, 2011
    Time    :    At 2 p.m.
    Place    :    OSIS room
    Agenda    :    Discussing the topics for the next edition school magazine
Regarding to this important meeting, I hope you will come on time.
See you there.

Cecep Riyadi
OSIS Chairperson

1.    The invitation is about ________.
A.     an important meeting
B.     the OSIS monthly meeting
C.     publishing a new school magazine
D.     discussing the topics for the next edition school magazine
2.    “. . . I hope you will come on time.” The words ‘on time’ means ________.
A.     to summarize the meeting
B.     to come when the meeting is over
C.     to come before the meeting begins
D.     to deliver a welcoming speech at the meeting

This text  is for questions 3 to 5.   
    Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to SMPN 8. Thank you for joining us today in the Parents Meeting. Today Ibu Sri haryanti, the Principal of SMPN 8, would like to inform some programs for the students. The programs are intended to develop the students knowledge and skills. The principal will explain everything in detail. And now, it’s time for Mr. Yunanta to present the school’s programs. Hope we all will be here until the meeting ends. Thank you. Please welcome
Mr. Yunanta.

3.    The announcement is about ________.
A.    a Parents Meeting
B.    the programs for the SMPN 8 students
C.    an explanation to the students of SMPN 8
D.    a welcoming ceremony fot the new principal of SMPN 8
4.    The meeting was held ________.   
A.    in the morning        B.    at noon    C.    in the afternoon    D.    at dusk
5.    “Hope we all will be here until the meeting ends.
    The word ‘we’ refers to ___________.

A.     the guests                    B.     the audience       
C.     the principal and the speaker            D.     all the students of SMPN 2

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